Ladies! Take your face off!

I came across this video from Ted Talks and loved it. I’m not a big fan of the focus increasing productivity, but more the message it has about what we do for ourselves vs. what we do to fit societies expectations. We all know someone that can’t leave their house without doing their hair or putting on lip gloss. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that unless the reason is you feel that people will treat you differently or judge you if you don’t. We tend to be our own worst enemies focusing on all our perceived flaws and trying hard to hide them from the world. I think we should all work on loving ourselves including our flaws and look the way we want to for us and not care what others think. So put on your heels if you like them, wear makeup if you if you enjoy doing it, and put on your tight dress because it makes you feel sexy! As long as you still feel good about yourself at the end of the day without it.


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