One of the first things we wanted to write about is one of our most favorite things, and our overall go to. That is the one and only apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar or ACV is a fermented product that has a pH of 5. This is good to aid in detoxifying the body as well as bringing your body into balance. A balance in your ph can help skin, hair, nails, digestion, and the list goes on. Think about your body as a pool. If the chemical levels in the pool are too high or too low problems can arise. The same goes for the ph in your body. Since it is a fermented food it also contains good bacteria that your body really needs for good digestion. These things make it very versatile. People have also used ACV for a number of reasons. It can be used with cold water after your shampoo to add volume and shine to your hair, used topically to heal warts, brushed onto teeth to help remove stains, lose weight, and even said to kill lice and keep fleas away. You can take a straight tablespoon of ACV a day, add it to salads with your favorite olive oil, or my personal favorite is to add it in a warm drink. We take a tablespoon of ACV, lemon juice to taste, about a ½ a tablespoon of honey, and 8 oz of hot water. We drink this daily especially if we start to get the sniffles. Our favorite is Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar. It is organic, unfiltered (so it can keep all the great antioxidants) raw, and contains the “Mother” vinegar, which contains naturally occurring protein enzyme molecules, which gives it all the great health benefits. Click the link below to learn more about this product.


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