Putting Your Best Face Forward!

I have had trouble skin for as long as I can remember and I can honestly say that it has only been in the last two years that I have finally created a routine that keeps my face clear. (I do still get the occasional zit) Although I know that not everyone has such problematic skin I though I would share with you the things that have helped me and that I wished I knew a long time ago.

Identify correct skin type-First I have to say that since I was 15 years old I was told I have oily skin. What I didn’t know at the time is that I actually had very dry skin that became oily due to the harsh face washes I was using. Your body is great at trying to protect itself and when skin gets irritated it can actually start to produce more oil to help create a barrier against the irritant. I switched to a more gentle face wash and my skin started on the road to recovery. I noticed one of the best ways to determine your skin type is to see how it feels in the morning and after you wash your face. Dry skin might feel tight after you wash it.

The ingredient list- Another thing that I noticed is when I eat clean, my face looks clean. Our skin can reflect what we put into our bodies and a high sugar or high processed food diet can definitely lead to acne or dull skin. If your anything like me you may benefit from eating clean for a while to see if it has any impact on your skin. The best part is that even if it doesn’t make a big impact on your skin you will feel better either way. Another thing to take into consideration is what you put on your skin. What you put on your skin does get absorbed into your body so it is important to make sure that you are not working hard to eat clean only to put harmful things into your body via skin. I think I saw the most difference when I changed all the products I was using to products that were more clean and gentle on the skin. Some of the things I use are found in my kitchen, coconut oil being one of them. I struggled with this concept for a long time however it also makes sense. Your scalp produces oil and if you have ever dyed your hair then you really know the importance that oil plays in protecting your hair and skin. Your face also needs some oil to protect the skin and help it to stay hydrated. I know people who use olive oil. I personal love coconut oil due to its antibacterial properties. I use it as a spot treatment and occasionally use a small amount as my moisturizer. It is true that an access can clog pores so I am just careful on how much I use. If you are curious about the products that I use check out our most loved products section where I will list the products I use.

Protection- I also found that sunscreen is very important. Now I was not much of a believer before but I have noticed that even in the winter my skin looks better when I protect is with some SPF. I have a foundation that has it in already so I just have to remember to put it on ever morning.

Water-As I had mentioned in the earlier article “Water Water” https://twitter.com/insidethenout/status/438131052515561472 how much you drink does have an impact on our skin. It is needed to help hydrate and flush out toxins.

Stress- Also just wanted to touch on stress again. At least for me high stress levels are still the one thing that will cause acne to pop up. It is important to always try to find things that work for you to help calm you down and relax. https://twitter.com/insidethenout/status/436590962949632000

Taking care of your skin will help give you that healthy glow and help you to stay looking young. It is important to remember that everyone has a different skin type and what might work for me might not work for you. Have patients with yourself to find a routine that works for you and of course keep checking back here every week to read about other articles on creating a healthy and more beautiful mind and body. http://mad.ly/signups/102194/join

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Water Water Everywhere!

Water is a very important part of your diet. The rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of water a day or 64 oz. and other sources recommend up to 100 oz. There are so many people that struggle with getting their daily water intake and do not see the 222083825344876864_Q4Qh4sJB_fimportance of drinking that much water. Your body is made up of mostly water and with all the toxins we take in everyday our body needs to flush the toxins out. Think of it as running your car with dirty oil or when it’s low on oil. Our body is also great at adapting and will react to too little water by retaining water. Constipated? Bloated? Water is the answer. Struggle to fit water into your day? Try starting with an extra glass a day and work up from there. Carrying a water bottle can also help. Jenny has a job that doesn’t allow her to drink water  in client areas (which is roughly 7 hours of her 8 hour day) the solution, she has a one liter water bottle that she starts at breakfast, finishes at lunch, then refills before dinner and has the second liter done by dinner and sips on the last liter from after dinner till around 8-9. This is also very helpful when your are trying to loose weight. Your body can feel hungry even if you are actually thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water before your meal and it will help to control portion size. If your not a fan of the taste try some lemon, squeeze some fresh fruit in, or try to drink some unsweetened tea. You will be amazed if you start drinking more water everyday for about two weeks your body will start to crave it and it will make it much easier to get it down. In summary your body needs water and it’s a cheap way to start seeing healthy changes in your body.
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